Allow me this opportunity to announce the launch of the A.Mac Website. Now that we have got the formalities out of the way. September was great. I had the opportunity to share with the children from the Atlanta Youth Academy. On the first occasion they made Canapés, it was such a wonderful experience that I was invited back. The book the children are reading is one of my all time favorites, The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe. I still remember the feelings I had while reading this book as a 4th grader. I still thing Asland is a cool name and if I ever have children you may need to talk me out of that one! On this visit we made Turkish Delight this fictional treat was created by the author of the story. Eventually someone came up with the recipe and now Narnia (a movie I have NOT seen) fans everywhere are purchasing or making it for their parties. I did my research and ruined 2-3 batches of Turkish Delight before I came across this web site (They could have left the freakish chick photos out of the mix, however the instructions they gave were valuable). I had so much fun that I must post photos.
Then I realized that the class would need something else to do.....well what is snow like??? Handmade Ice Cream of course. So I broke out the milk, sugar, flavoring and salt. The class shook and shook until they had a soft serve consistency. Then the Mmm's ensued....the children rained down compliments like I'd preformed magic (they did all the work). I know the next book doesn't have any food involved, however they looking forward to seeing Ms. Mac again.